A step back in time to Hellen Keller's birthplace

A step back in time to Hellen Keller's birthplace

Located in Tuscumbia, Alabama you can find Helen Keller's birthplace and childhood home, Ivy Green. This beautiful place is probably one of the most unique and educational locations we've visited while traveling for my husbands work. A coworker of his mentioned that we were staying only a few miles from this historical jewel, so, me and the kids decided to visit. Now, I remember reading her story back in grade school, but I'll admit my memory could have used some brushing up.

When we arrived, we walked down the beautiful path and up to the main house that was constructed in the 1820's. We were told that the next tour would begin in just 5 minutes, how lucky?! Tickets were only $7 for me (an adult) and $4 per kid, very reasonable in my opinion. The tour guide that was over our group was extremely knowledgeable and had a humorous whit about her. She explained the life of Helen Keller, challenges she faced, how she met Anne Sullivan, and how they overcame many obstacles together.

Our children were both very interested at first, but after about ten minutes into the tour our youngest (8) started to get a tad bored. The oldest (10), however, stayed intrigued and mesmerized for the entire thing. Hearing about Helen's life and all she accomplished gave me a great deal of respect for her. She was said to be an unruly child, and after the tour I understood why. It was later discovered that she had an IQ of 160, which is the same as Albert Einstein. Can you imagine being a genius but trapped in a body that can't hear or see? Being so smart and not able to communicate with those around you?

We also learned that Anne Sullivan, who was nearly blinded by a disease at the age of 5, came to Ivy Green to help with Helen at the age of 20 after much encouragement from Alexander Graham Bell. Bell, who best known for his role in the invention of the telephone, was awarded an honorary MD degree from Heidelberg University after a lifelong involvement in audiology and speech therapy. It was very eye opening to learn how some of people who had a hand in shaping our futures were connected.

After the tour was over we were free to roam the house and the grounds which includes a garden. The gardens were built and are maintained by the Shoals Master Gardeners. While wandering, you can see the well where Helen first made the connection with water, the outdoor kitchen, the birthplace cottage, a fountain, statue of Helen & Anne, gorgeous mature trees, and so much more.

If you are considering a visit to the area I highly suggest stopping by Ivy Green and taking the captivating tour. I truly believe you will leave with memories that last a lifetime.

If you have been to this beautiful place and would like to share your experience, your comments are welcome below.


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